Analyzing Why Some Nigerians Will Vote Tinubu, Atiku, Obi, and Kwankwaso in 2023 Election


Analyzing Why Some Nigerians Will Vote Tinubu, Atiku, Obi, and Kwankwaso in 2023 Election

As the 2023 election in Nigeria draws nearer, more and more Nigerians are becoming interested in who they will choose as their next president.

This article seeks to explore why some Nigerians may decide to cast their votes for Tinubu, Atiku, Obi, or Kwankwaso. It will provide insight into each candidate's past and present political career and how it has affected them in the minds of Nigerian voters. In addition, it will examine the main issues and concerns that many Nigerians have regarding each of these potential candidates and what they might be looking for when deciding which candidate is best suited to lead the country forward. By delving deeper into the details of these presidential hopefuls, this article hopes to offer an informed perspective on who could ultimately take Nigeria's top office.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu
Bola Ahmed Tinubu

Bola Ahmed Tinubu, a prominent Nigerian politician, is currently running for the position of President of Nigeria in the upcoming 2023 elections. Tinubu has been a major political force in the country for several years and is seeking to gain power by running as the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate. Born in 1951, Tinubu has had an impressive political career that includes two terms as Governor of Lagos State from 1999-2007. During his tenure as Governor, he enacted multiple reforms that were widely praised by his constituents. He also gained notoriety as a businessman during this time, amassing a considerable fortune through successful investments and real estate deals.

In 2011, Tinubu formed the APC as a means of unifying different opposition groups across the country to stand up against the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP). This effort proved successful, culminating with Muhammad Buhari winning the 2015 presidential election on behalf of the APC. Now, Tinubu is looking to build upon these successes by taking the mantle of leadership himself and leading Nigeria into a new era of growth and prosperity. If elected president, he has promised to prioritize creating economic opportunities for all citizens and reducing government corruption.

12 Reasons why some Nigerians will vote for Tinubu in the 2023 presidential election

1. As a former Lagos State Governor, Bola Tinubu is well known and respected throughout Nigeria. 

2. He has a long track record of success in politics and economic development in the region.

3. He was an influential voice during the period of transition from military to civilian rule in Nigeria.

4. Tinubu’s Alliance for Democracy (AD) party helped to create strong opposition parties in Nigerian politics, helping to foster democracy and fair representation for all Nigerians.

5. His innovative strategies for economic growth have been credited with driving strong economic growth and job creation in Lagos State and beyond.

6. He is seen as a consensus builder, having worked across political divides in his political career, promoting social inclusion and equality amongst different tribes and religions.

7. Tinubu has advocated strongly for democratic values, leading by example through his commitment to fighting corruption and standing up against injustice.

8. As an accomplished leader with a solid record of delivering tangible results, Tinubu will provide much-needed stability at a time of increasing regional tension across West Africa.

9. He is passionate about improving access to education and health services across Nigeria, something which many Nigerians feel is vital to creating lasting positive change in their communities.

10. Many people are impressed by Tinubu's clear vision for how he would tackle the various challenges facing Nigeria such as security threats, infrastructure deficiencies, high levels of youth unemployment, and food insecurity amongst others if he became president in 2023.

11. Under Tinubu’s leadership, he is likely to restore confidence in the public sector institutions including police forces and courts as well as public utilities like electricity generation companies.

12 . The most important factor why Nigerians will vote for Tinubu is that he has an inspirational story; born into poverty but overcoming the odds to rise through hard work to become one of the most successful politicians of modern-day Nigeria.

12 reasons why some Nigerians will not vote for Tinubu in the 2023 presidential election

1. His involvement in the 2018 national budget padding scandal.

2. His role in appointing individuals of questionable character to prominent political offices during his tenure as a governor of Lagos State.

3. His use of religion as a tool for political leverage and the preference he has given certain religions over others when in power.

4. The high rate of poverty, unemployment, and other socio-economic issues continue to plague Nigeria despite Tinubu’s tenure in office both as a governor and currently in the National Assembly.

5. Questions about his ability to bridge the deep divide between North and South, particularly when it comes to resource sharing within Nigeria.

6. Concerns about his lack of understanding regarding the modern digital economy and the technology industry’s potential for growth in Nigeria

7. Skepticism towards his efforts towards reforming education which has long been plagued by a poor educational system, low teacher pay, inadequate school facilities, overcrowding, and general incompetence

8. Allegations of cronyism against Tinubu concerning how he distributes patronage amongst family members, friends, and close allies instead of talented professionals

9. Resentment among former military officers who have voiced their frustration with how Tinubu handled veterans' pension issues during his tenure as governor

10. Accusations that Tinubu has benefited from controversial infrastructure projects while overlooking better proposals

11. Claims that he is unable to build relationships with leaders across various geopolitical zones within Nigeria

12. The public's growing wariness over the potential misappropriation of funds that would occur under his administration should he win the election.

Atiku Abubakar
Atiku Abubakar

Atiku Abubakar is a prominent Nigerian politician who has held many positions of influence throughout his career. He is currently running for the Presidency of Nigeria under the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2023 Nigerian general election. Before announcing his candidacy, he served as Vice President to Olusegun Obasanjo from 1999-2007 and was a two-term governor of Adamawa State. As Vice President, Atiku played an active role in advocating for the privatization of public sector entities, strengthening democracy, improving social services, and increasing economic growth in Nigeria. He is widely respected in Nigeria for his political achievements and has been referred to as "a bridge between North and South Nigeria." Atiku has proposed many initiatives designed to improve living conditions for all Nigerians if elected president, including measures that focus on job creation and educational reform.

12 reasons why some Nigerians will vote for Atiku in the 2023 presidential election

1. Atiku Abubakar is a respected political leader with strong support from the North, where many Nigerians live.

2. He has an extensive record of public service, having held important positions such as Vice President and minister in various administrations.

3. His time in office was marked by policies that encouraged economic growth, particularly through increased investments in infrastructure and technology.

4. He has been vocal about his commitment to addressing poverty, unemployment, and inequality – all major issues for many Nigerians.

5. He supports a free market economy and pro-business initiatives, which would create more job opportunities for citizens.

6. Atiku has also expressed his support for civil rights and freedoms for all citizens, regardless of religion or ethnicity – something that is vital to a successful democracy.

7. As someone who was born in Adamawa State and educated in Kano State, he can relate to many Nigerians on a personal level.

8. He is known to be friendly and accessible to ordinary citizens, with whom he has cultivated strong relationships over the years.

9. Atiku understands the need to make education more accessible and affordable across Nigeria, which would provide young people with better opportunities in life.

10. Atiku advocates for increased transparency in government and more stringent measures to combat corruption at all levels – two issues that are important for building trust among voters nationwide.

11. His political party – the People's Democratic Party (PDP) – stands out as a strong contender amongst other parties due to its well-defined policies that seek to bring positive change to the country if elected into power in 2023.

12 Lastly, Atiku is passionate about advancing Nigeria's place in global affairs; this means he is focused on boosting the country's international relations and promoting economic cooperation with other nations, thereby creating greater stability both internally and externally.

12 reasons why some Nigerians will not vote for Atiku Abubakar in the 2023 presidential election

1. His connection with past corrupt governments.

2. His failure to deliver on promises made during the 2019 presidential election campaign.

3. Questions about his true religious identity and doubts about his commitment to Nigeria’s secularity.

4. Growing perceptions that he is part of the same old elite who have been running the country for decades without solving its many problems.

5. Misgivings about his ties to business elites and the likelihood that their interests would be prioritized over those of everyday Nigerians.

6. Unease regarding some of Atiku Abubakar's statements that appear to support a certain tribal or regional agenda, which could create further divisions in an already divided nation.

7. Resentment among younger voters who view him as part of an older generation with outdated values and ideas that no longer reflect the realities of modern-day Nigeria.

8. A lack of trust in Atiku Abubakar's ability to create economic opportunities, especially given how the economy fared during his tenure as Vice President under Olusegun Obasanjo’s government from 1999-2007.

9. Discontent amongst members of opposition parties over his decision to join the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

10. Disenchantment with the notion that a person from a particular region is most likely to become president, especially in light of Atiku’s Northeastern origins.

11 . Doubts about his ability to handle national security issues and protect Nigeria from external threats such as Boko Haram, given his past failures in this regard as vice president and minister for internal affairs.

12 An underlying perception that despite making efforts to move away from it, he is still too close to powerful business elites and may favor them instead of helping regular citizens if elected president.


Peter Obi
Peter Obi

Peter Obi is a politician and businessman from Nigeria who currently serves as the Vice Presidential Candidate of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 Nigerian General Elections. He is running for President on the ticket of the Labour Party (LP). Obi has previously served two terms as Governor of Anambra State, from 2003 to 2006 and from 2006 to 2014. During his tenure, he made various reforms that improved public education, healthcare, transportation, and other services. He was also a strong advocate for women's rights and equal representation in politics. After leaving office in 2014, Obi has become a major political figure in Nigeria, working with a variety of parties to advance economic growth and progress. In 2018 he founded the Peter Obi Foundation to support development projects in rural communities across Nigeria. He continues to be an outspoken voice on national issues, most recently voicing his support for more responsible fiscal policies by the Nigerian government.


12 reasons why some Nigerians will vote for Peter Obi in the 2023 presidential election

1. Peter Obi is a seasoned politician who has had experience as Governor of Anambra State, where he successfully improved the standard of living for citizens and developed infrastructure.

2. Peter Obi has consistently spoken out in support of better healthcare, education, and economic opportunities for all Nigerians, regardless of background.

3. He has the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the quality of life for Nigerian citizens.

4. Peter Obi's policy agenda will ensure greater accountability and transparency in government spending, thus preventing wasteful practices and fraud.

5. His plan for agriculture modernization would open up job opportunities and help Nigerian farmers maximize their income potential.

6. Peter Obi has outlined his vision for an economy driven by small business owners, who will benefit from an environment that encourages entrepreneurship.

7. He intends to improve security throughout the country with reforms in both police forces and military tactics to combat criminal activities such as terrorism, insurgency, and drug trafficking.

8. Peter Obi will strengthen Nigeria's presence in international trade markets with new trade deals that focus on sustainable growth for Nigeria's export sector and attract foreign direct investments into the country.

9. He also seeks to reform taxation policies to make sure all Nigerians are paying their fair share in taxes while at the same time eliminating any tax burdens that disproportionally affect certain sectors or socio-economic classes of people.

10. Obi supports greater gender equality through measures such as providing access to credit services to female entrepreneurs and implementing laws that ensure equal pay between genders and career advancement opportunities regardless of gender identity or marital status.

11. Under his leadership, there would be increased protection against human rights abuses by reforming current judicial systems and upholding individual freedoms without discriminating against anyone due to their faith or ethnicity.

12. To create sustainable development for all Nigerians, Peter Obi proposes significant investment in infrastructure projects across all regions so that every person can access essential resources like clean water and electricity regardless of their location within the country.

12 reasons why some Nigerians will not vote for Peter Obi in the 2023 presidential election

1. He is viewed as having little understanding of Nigerian youth's concerns and interests.

2. Some people don’t believe that he is genuine in his commitment to helping the poor.

3. His association with corrupt individuals, especially during his time as governor of Anambra state.

4. People have questioned his decision-making ability, pointing to an example when he allegedly failed to resolve a conflict between workers and management in a company with which he was involved as an investor.

5. Others are worried about how much of Nigeria's national resources he may have used for personal gain during his governorship term.

6. Critics argue that some of the reforms he implemented as governor only served to further entrench cronyism and patronage in Anambra state politics.

7. Questions surrounding his wealth and properties, some alleging corruption and illegal activities being involved in the acquisition process

8. Accusations that Obi is a strong supporter of deregulation policies that disproportionately benefit corporate interests at the expense of workers' rights

9. People are concerned about whether Obi will tackle corruption effectively enough to make it a viable part of Nigeria's future political landscape

10. Worries that if elected president, Obi could bring back authoritarianism or rule with an iron fist as past leaders did

11. Disagreement over whether his tenure would be positive or negative for Nigeria's relationship with its foreign allies, including Western powers

12. Many disagree with him on social issues such as same-sex marriage, abortion, and gender equality

Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso
Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso

Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso is a Nigerian politician who served as the governor of Kano State from 1999 to 2003 and from 2011 to 2015. He is currently running for President in Nigeria under the NNPP. He was a member of the People's Democratic Party until October 2018, when he defected and joined the National Rescue Movement. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso has also served in various capacities including being appointed Minister of Defence during the tenure of former President Olusegun Obasanjo. He has held multiple cabinet positions since his election as governor and was elected senator for the Kano Central constituency in 2019. In 2020, he declared his intention to run for President in the upcoming election under the NNPP party platform. He has campaigned on promises of creating jobs, fighting corruption, and improving infrastructure across Nigeria.

12 reasons why Some Nigerians will vote for Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso in the 2023 presidential election

1. As a former governor of Kano state, he has an extensive track record of success in terms of development projects, infrastructural improvements, and educational initiatives in the state.

2. He is a champion of social justice and a staunch believer in Nigeria’s democracy, as seen through his tenure as senator and minister of defense during the past administrations.

3. He was successful at leveraging investments from both the public and private sectors to bring sustainable economic growth to Kano State.

4. Kwankwaso is widely credited with introducing free health care to Kano state citizens.

5. He is committed to making sure that Nigeria’s population has access to quality education and that education funding reaches classrooms in underserved communities throughout the country.

6. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso was one of the pioneers of women empowerment initiatives across northern Nigeria during his tenure as Governor of Kano State; providing incentives for female entrepreneurs and creating programs aimed at providing economic opportunities for women and young girls.

7. Under his leadership, hundreds of small-scale businesses were established across rural communities in Kano State and are still growing today despite the impact of the global pandemic on these businesses

8. He championed farmers' rights while serving as governor, launching new agribusiness initiatives that brought significant agricultural reforms to rural areas across Northern Nigeria

9. During his time as Governor of Kano State, he made sure people living with disabilities were included in local decision-making processes to ensure their voices are heard in all areas of life

10. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso was an advocate for renewable energy policies that helped many homes switch from relying on generators or wood fires for their energy needs

11. His commitment to empowering the youth resulted in over 4 million jobs created between 2011-2015 through trade apprenticeships, agriculture investments, and small business loan programs aimed at young entrepreneurs throughout Kano State

12. He strongly believes that economic diversification is key for any nation's long-term economic progress - which resonates deeply with Nigerian people looking for a leader who understands this critical element.

12 reasons why some Nigerians will not vote for Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso in the 2023 presidential election

1. Kwankwaso's perceived connections to some controversial and unpopular politicians in the country.

2. His decision to defect from one political party to another in a short period.

3. The limited progress achieved during his term as governor of Kano State despite much of the publicity around it.

4. Reports that funds allocated for projects were diverted to other uses or were embezzled under his administration.

5. His alleged connections with high-ranking officials within the military who have been accused of engaging in human rights abuses against citizens.

6. Accusations that he was complicit in vote-rigging during the 2019 presidential election which caused civil unrest across Nigeria afterward.

7. The perception that he has taken little action on important issues like corruption and youth unemployment, despite his promises to tackle them head-on during his previous term as governor.

8. The fact that some members of the Kwankwasiya movement have become increasingly confrontational and divisive towards their opponents on social media and other forums in recent months.

9. Some Nigerians' skepticism towards him is based on rumors that he had received significant donations from foreign sources before entering politics at the national level in 2011 (although no such evidence has been found).

10. Reports that he had misused public funds while in office, including an alleged expenditure of over US$20 million on luxurious cars for himself and associates without proper authorization or justification

11. The accusation by some individuals within the opposition camp that Kwankwaso’s rise to prominence was largely due to privileged access to resources granted by powerful figures associated with former president Olusegun Obasanjo's government (which he denies).

12. Concerns over potential cronyism within the government if he is elected due to many of his associates already holding powerful positions within various arms of the state, such as local governments and other institutions

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